Cerulean Pixel - Website Programming Services for Graphic Design Professionals

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Techni-Cut, LLC. Techni-Cut, LLC.
Given a Photoshop template by the designer, we sliced it into a master template and built all of the HTML pages to utilize this template. A stylesheet was used to make updating colors and the look and feel of the site easy for the designer. This site is unique in that it takes advantage of server side includes in order to consolidate the navigation into one file - this helps keep site maintenance easier with just one file to update instead of all of them.

The new design isn't quite finished, but we do have a sneak peek available.
LEX Project Management LEX Project Management
We can also build complex online applications such as LEX. LEX is an online application built to maintain complete project information for products produced by Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD. This application tracks everything from author's manuscript submission to notifying employees of Out of Print titles.

Technologies included AJAX for populating dynamic form elements, permissions based data modification, email messaging (both scheduled and event driven), and streaming XML data to and from external external websites (both scheduled and event driven). All applications were built on Red Hat Apache servers and two database applications were used: Oracle 10g and MySQL.

If you would like a screenshot tour of this application, please contact us for access information.
Laser Etch Technologies Laser Etch Technologies
This website involved help with domain registration and hosting decisions, slicing a photoshop design, creating all of the html pages and adding Javascript for the mouseover effects.

Visit this website:  www.LaserEtch.org
The World Learner School The World Learner School
Need a way to maintain your website text yourself? We can install an application that allows you to do this. We installed a popular application called "Etomite" for The World Learner School. The teachers and parents all work together to add text and update classroom newsletter information without the help of a programmer or the need to purchase or install any software applications on their school computers. It's all completely online.

Visit this website:  www.WorldLearnerSchool.com
Mystic Faerie Tarot Mystic Faerie Tarot
The Mystic Faerie Tarot website is a site dedicated to displaying information about the Mystic Faerie Tarot deck by Llewellyn Publications. The designers needed assistance in getting started in creating a website from their design. From choosing a website hosting company to learning why their sliced images didn't always line up, we helped with all of their questions.

Visit this website:  www.MysticFaerie.com
The MacDowell Colony The MacDowell Colony
For this customer, we rearranged the way that the design template was built into the site. The original way, the navigation was on every single page making updates very time consuming. By moving the navigation, and other pieces, into included files we were able to speed up the time it takes to maintain the ever-changing content on their website. We also built in a scrolling news area so that the most recent news could be displayed without compromising the design of the site.

We also built an online "Blackboard" where people can post things for sale, housing opportunities, jobs, services, rides and other miscellaneous items in a community setting.

After the Blackboard was completed, we built an online application process so that potential residents of the colony could apply, and pay for their application, online. There was also an online administration area where colony employees could approve and maintain application information.

Visit this website:  www.MacDowellColony.org
Food Allergy Kitchen Food Allergy Kitchen
For this customer, we installed numerous third party applications so that they could get their website up and running quickly without having to wait for custom development. We then built a custom recipe application to work with their Content Management program to allow their customers to search for recipes based on their food allergies. If the ingredients contain one of their marked allergens, then that recipe won't display when they are logged in and browsing the recipe listings. Customers can also submit their own recipes as well as edit them in their Account area.

Visit this website:  www.FoodAllergyKitchen.com
My Dragon Dice My Dragon Dice
The My Dragon Dice website is an online community where collectors of the Dragon Dice game can track their inventory of dice as well as trade dice with other members. We built this website from the ground up including the design and all programming. The site was also integrated into the SirBidalot auction website.

Unfortunately, like many online ventures, both of these sites are no longer available.

You have just seen a small sampling of the many websites we've worked on. If you would like to learn more about what we can do for you, please visit our Services page. Or, just Contact us and we'll be happy to answer any questions you might have!
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